Shahin Javadi Nezhad


Fixing the Earth, One Tree at a Time

Hamkaasht was a social and digital campaign aimed at planting over ten thousand trees in Iran. Organized in partnership with the ministry of science and technology and blue circle NGO, this project is aimed at raising awareness about the ever-growing dangers of climate change and inviting people to participate in a crowdsourcing effort to more trees.



Trees Remained

Trees planted

Storytelling for Change

Hamkaasht campaign was also supported by a diverse range of targeted content aimed at informing people and participants about every aspect of climate change. How it happens, its effects on our day-to-day lives, and the steps we can take to stop it. This content included (but was not limited to) a viral video series, motion graphic teasers, podcasts, and blog posts. Hamkaasht content was viewed more than 300,000 times by the Iranian audience.

Where are they Planted?

All the trees in Hamkaasht campaign get planted across the universities of Iran. over 50 universities have participated in this project so far and by planting as low as 10 and as high as 2,000 they’ve played a role in making the country greener.